A dataset containing selected variables from the European Social Survey, Round 7 for Spain.
A data frame with 1925 rows and 19 variables:
The unique ID of each respondent
How much political trust do you have in institutions/parliament
How much political trust do you have in authorities/politicians
How much political trust do you have in institutions/political parties
How much political satisfaction do you have in education
How much political satisfaction do you have in health services
Political system allows people to have a say in what government does
Political system allows people to have influence on politics
Politicians care what people think
Social trust
Political interest
Subjective well being , life satisfaction
Political satisfaction , country's economy
Education level
ISCED education classification
Primary sampling unit. This is useful for doing complex weighted analysis.
The stratum of each respondent. This is useful for doing complex weighted analysis
Probability weights. This is useful for doing complex weighted analysis
Downloaded from the ESS website at https://www.europeansocialsurvey.org/download.html?file=ESS7ES&c=ES&y=2014 and merged with SDDF data for the weight variables.