me_sscore takes a data frame with quality estimates of class me and estimates the quality of a sum score for selected variables in .... Use me_sscore_ if you're interested in programming with me_sscore

me_sscore(me_data, .data, new_name, ..., wt = NULL, .drop = TRUE)

me_sscore_(me_data, .data, new_name, vars_names, wt = NULL, .drop = TRUE)



a data frame of class me containing quality estimates from the variables specified in .... It is expected that this measurement error data is not square rooted (reliability, validity and quality) as it will be done with me_sscore.


a data frame which contains data for the variables specified in ....


a bare unquoted name or a string specifying the name of the new sum score.


bare unquoted names or separate strings specifying the variable names from which to estimate quality of their sum score. They all must be present in me_data and .data. At minimum, it must be two or more variable names.


a non-NA numeric vector of the same length as the variables specified in .... This will be used as weights in calculating the sum scores of all variable. Be default, all variables are given the same weight.


a logical stating whether to drop the questions that compose the sum score (these are the variables specified in ...) If FALSE it retains the original questions and the sum score.


character vector specifying the variable names from which to estimate the quality of the sum score. They all must be present in me_data and .data. At minimum, it must be two or more variable names.


a tibble similar to me_data but with a new row containing the quality of a sum score.


# Political trust example

me_data <-
    question = c("trstprl", "trstplt", "trstprt"),
    reliability = c(0.812, 0.852, 0.858),
    validity = c(0.959, 0.965, 0.956),
    quality = c(0.779, 0.822, 0.821)

selected_vars <- c("trstprl", "trstplt", "trstprt")
score <- me_sscore(me_data[me_data$question %in% selected_vars, ],
                   new_name = "s1",
                   trstprl, trstplt, trstprt)

# Returns the quality and method effect of any given sum score
#> # A tibble: 1 × 6
#>   question reliability validity quality method_eff quality_coef
#>   <chr>          <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>      <dbl>        <dbl>
#> 1 s1                 0        0   0.894     0.0422           NA

# State services example
me_data <-
    question = c("stfedu", "stfhlth"),
    reliability = c(0.757, 0.760),
    validity = c(0.838, 0.798),
    quality = c(0.635, 0.607)

score <- me_sscore(me_data,
                   new_name = "s2",
                   stfedu, stfhlth)

# Returns the quality and method effect of any given sum score
#> # A tibble: 1 × 6
#>   question reliability validity quality method_eff quality_coef
#>   <chr>          <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>      <dbl>        <dbl>
#> 1 s2                 0        0   0.684      0.171           NA